Youv tried your best to let go something you loved so much. And you let it go , closing those tearful eyes. You try to look the other the way. You try to let the feeling go. But the feeling takes control of you. You cant look away. And when you look back to the thing you loved. You wondered why you waited so long. Your face looked bright. You heard the flapping of the wings behind you. You knew it came back. But when you look back, its gone. The organisim that you used to love is gone. You regret letting the thing go. You cry for it to come back. You pound your head, you scrath youself, you tear out your flesh partley, you scream like someone just died....... but whatever you do it doesnt come back. You forgot how it looks. You forget the sound of the flapping wings. All you think about is how its doing in the cruel world. So whatever you do dont let something precious go. Or you will die of dreppesion.
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